Photos from New Hampshire - and a bit more

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Hild, Stan, Cindy at FPLC!

Hild, Stan, Cindy at FPLC!

Rob, Stan, Cindy at FPLC!

Rob, Stan, Cindy at FPLC!

Rob, Hild, Stan at FPLC!

Rob, Hild, Stan at FPLC!

Stan, Cindy, Rob at FPLC!

Stan, Cindy, Rob at FPLC!

Hild, Stan, Cindy at FPLC!

Hild, Stan, Cindy at FPLC!

Stan, Cindy, Hild, Rob at FPLC!

Stan, Cindy, Hild, Rob at FPLC!

Rob, Stan, Cindy in the lecture theatre at FPLC!

Rob, Stan, Cindy in the lecture theatre at FPLC!

Rob having lunch at the Shaker Village.

Rob having lunch at the Shaker Village.

The ex-old-man-of-the-mountain.

The ex-old-man-of-the-mountain.

Lake in Franconia Notch.

Lake in Franconia Notch.

Evil-looking squirrel at the Flume (Franconia Notch).

Evil-looking squirrel at the Flume (Franconia Notch).

Snow in the Bear Cave at the Flume - in May!

Snow in the Bear Cave at the Flume - in May!