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Rob-n-Hild, Eastward Ho!

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Saint John 108 km. 1:57 hours. Elevation maximum 178 metres.
With a deadline today we didn't get out until dinner, but we did have a plan for dinner so that was good! Our friend Saloni told us of another friend of hers who has a food truck in St Martins selling lobster rolls and since we have been 'doing' lobster rolls in New Brunswick this was clearly a spot to visit.
St Martins is just a short drive from Saint John and the weather seemed to be clearing up - we even saw a shadow so the sun was trying to get through the clouds. So when we got to the St Martins Ice Cream and Seafood it was a really nice evening and we sat down to eat outdoors. We had a lobster roll (of course) and a bowl of chowder and had a nice chat with Ricard (Saloni's friend) and Juan.
And then it began to rain again so we drove back to Saint John in deepening fog! But that didn't stop us having a short walk around Saint John - or at least the original center of the city that is now called "Uptown". It wasn't terribly "up", but a wet wednesday night is probably not a fair reflection. There is a park laid out back in 1785 when the first Governor was appointed, but most of the buildings only date back to the 1890's as a big fire in 1877 destroyed much of the city. The picture above is not a rock, but a lump of melted metal found in the ruins of a hardware store after the fire! There is a rather weird bandstand with no apparent way to get up (or down), but it was paid for by the city Cornet band in 1907 so it must have been what they wanted! Interesting to us is that a big part of the early settlers of New Brunswick (and Nova Scotia) were "Loyalists" - British subjects who left the United States after the War of Independence. This rather clever re-working of the Union Jack sits outrside of the Loyalist House - one of the few buildings that survived the big fire.
Coming up: On the road again - Grand Falls

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May/June 2023

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