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Rob-n-Hild, Eastward Ho!

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The Largest... Maybe not always the World's Largest something, but the largest we saw!
Where Route 315 crosses 323 in Quebec: A giant axe (See on Map)
At Sentier des Cimes (Treetop walk), Quebec: A giant squirrel or chipmunk (See on Map)
In Sept-Îles, Quebec: Hild meets that largest character from Minecraft - or L'ami D'acier = the steel friend (See on Map)
In Sept-Îles, Quebec: A rather small whale - but the largest one we have seen so far (See on Map)
In Kegaska, Quebec: A giant moose (See on Map)
In Kegaska, Quebec: A large Muskoka Chair (See on Map)
In Harve-Saint-Pierre: The strongest wind - so far (See on Map)
In Kegaska, Quebec: The largest boarding card ever (See on Map)
In L'Anse aux Meadows: a statue of Leif Erikson (See on Map)
Hild with the largest soft toys - a bear and a moose. At the Discovery Centre, Woody Point, Newfoundland. (See on Map)
In Twillingate at the Prime Berth Fishing Museum there was a large whale skeleton. (See on Map)
We found this large moose at Brown's Restaurant in Whiteway, Newfoundland. (See on Map)
In Harbourside Park, St. John's, we found this wonderful monument honouring the Labrador and Newfoundland dog breeds. The statues are in 1.5 times normal size - so not the largest but definitely the cuddliest. (See on Map)

* For the Labrador Retriever it said: "The average dog is a nicer person than the average person"

* A sign had a quote by Lord Byron to honour his Newfoundland dog "Boatswain":
Near this spot
are deposited the remains of one who
possessed Beauty without Vanity,
Strength without Insolence,
Courage without Ferocity,
And all the Virtues of Man - without His Vices.
Not the largest, but the most photographed thing in St. John's: Jellybean Row (an row of houses in bright colours). We found this one on Victoria Street just off Duckworth Street. (See on Map)
Hild found this huge puffin in a gift store, Downhome Shoppe & Gallery, on Water Street in St. John's. (See on Map)
Not the largest, but the best and quickest service in St. John's: copying our car key so we no longer have to be worried about the one-key issue. King's Bridge Service Station (See on Map)
We found two large Muskoka chairs outside our hotel in Gander, Newfoundland. It works: put out an oversized chair and people will stop and take a photo (See on Map)
Rob met Commander Gander at the North Atlantic Aviation Museum in Gander. The largest goose so far! (See on Map)
Along the "Main in Mountain" trail in Corner Brook we came across the largest (so far) group of toads mating and calling for mates. (See on Map)
When you have hiked 330 metres at a gradient of 20% and realise that you have forgotten to bring the tea mugs... Nooooo. Well you make tea in the pans instead! The biggest tea "mugs" so far. (See on Map)
The largest boot on this trip - Cap de Boutte, Newfoundland (See on Map)
The largest crown gall tumor - Highland Village Museum, Nova Scotia (See on Map)
The World's Largest Fiddle here seen in Sydney, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia (See on Map)
Another giant Muskoka chair for Hild and a tiny one for Rob in Sydney, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia (See on Map)
We went to see the largest Sandpiper and his name is Shep. He is in Dorchester, New Brunswick. (See on Map)
In Shediak, New Brunswick - Lobster Capital of the World - we found the World's Largest Lobster, and Pelle posed with him and the fisherman. (See on Map)
Outside COWS Creamery, Charlottetown, on Prince Edward Island Rob petted an un-named giant cow while Hild kept her distance - given her history with cows (See on Map)
A friendlier, Howie the giant dog was found outside a shop further along. (See on Map)
The World's Largest Potato posing with fan-boy Rob and Mr. Potato Head, in O'Leary, Prince Edward Island (See on Map)
Rob, not being very fond of seagulls, was willing to pet the largest seagull we have seen so far. The Buoy Shop in Peggy's Cove, Nova Scotia (See on Map)
Grand Falls, New Brunswick, do not claim that this is the worlds largest anchor, but we thought it was big. What was more interesting was the big mystery Locomotive 508. They provided a QR code for a long story about how a trian crash in 1900 lead to no deaths but a missing locomotive. And from there many many years of one guy looking for it with many many volunteers. No spoilers.... (See on Map)

Hild found yet another gigantic chair to sit in. Fun while exploring Gaspé Peninsula. Baie des Capucins. (See on Map)
On Canada Day we found the largest maple leaf - how fitting! Saint-Quentin, New Brunswick (See on Map)

Further along there was also another large moose - also quite fitting for July 1st. Kedgewick, New Brunswick (See on Map)

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May/June 2023

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